Domestic Violence

Rebecca Shiemke, Committee Chair

Ypsilanti, MI 
To contact, click here

What We Do

The committee addresses issues that impact domestic violence survivors in family law matters.  To that end, the committee contributes regular articles to the Family Law Journal.

How You Can Get Involved

Contact the Chair above.

When & How We Meet

The committee meets at 3:00 pm on the Monday of the week prior to each Council meeting via Zoom.   

News from Our Committee

Please see our article in this month's issue of the Family Law Journal.. 


Our committee and chair(s) do not speak for the State Bar of Michigan nor the Family Law Section, but rather provide recommendations to the Family Law Section.   For the State Bar of Michigan position on any given subject, please contact the State Bar of Michigan directly.   For the Family Law Section position on any given subject, please contact the Family Law section Chair directly.