
Family by Ken Scott, photographer. Used with permission.

Applications for vacant seats for council may be sent to Josh Pease at Joshua.m.pease@gmail.com



The mission of the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan is to provide support, education, information and analysis for our members regarding family law related issues and to improve and advance both family law and the family court system. To accomplish this mission, the Section engages in legislative and court rule review and comment, filing amicus briefs on important family law cases, improving the relations between its members and the public, increasing public awareness of family law issues, promoting professionalism among members and encouraging continuing family law legal education. The Section hosts meetings, seminars, public service programs, and publishes the Family Law Journal. Membership in the Section is open to all members of the State Bar of Michigan. The Section encourages diversity and active participation of our membership.

Join the Section

There are many intricacies of family law that require an attorney to know one's way around the courtroom, the referee's office, the family law statutes, the court rules, and case law. Attorneys who practice any amount of family law should join the SBM Family Law Section. Section Membership Application PDF

Join a Committee

The Family Law Section offers several committees that may be of interest to you or your practice. Check here to see a list of the type of committees and then once you click on the type of committees, you can select a specific committee page with contact information.

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