The State Bar of Michigan Tax Pro Bono Referral Panel Program needs your help!
Sign up today to be a participating pro bono tax attorney with the Tax Pro Bono Referral Panel Program, a statewide initiative of the Taxation Section & Pro Bono Initiative.
Low-income taxpayers in controversy with the IRS may currently go to low-income taxpayer clinics (LITCs) for assistance. There are currently four LITCs in Michigan: The Michigan State University College of Law Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic in East Lansing, the University of Michigan Law School Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic in Ann Arbor, the West Michigan Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic in Grand Rapids, and the Accounting Aid Society in Detroit. However, LITCs cannot possibly help everyone who needs their services.
The program's pro bono attorneys represent individuals who earn up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level. None of these people can afford to hire a private tax attorney to represent them. They tend to be confused and overwhelmed by their own tax situations, terrified of the IRS, and extremely grateful for professional assistance.
The State Bar of Michigan Taxation Section and Pro Bono Initiative is stepping in to help address this critical need by coordinating the program. In addition to running the program, it provides support on working IRS controversy cases (by professors Joshua Wease at Michigan State University College of Law and Nicole Appleberry at the University of Michigan School of Law), access to malpractice insurance as necessary, and continuing access to helpful reference materials for this area of practice (including the ABA Tax Manual). Cases are referred directly from Michigan's LITCs to the Pro Bono Initiative and then to a participating pro bono tax attorney.
Please consider joining the Tax Pro Bono Referral Panel Program. You'll provide a vitally needed service.
You can request to be removed from the panel at any time.
For more information, e-mail Robert Mathis or call (517) 346-6412.