

The Taxation Section, as a representative of the legal profession, shall serve its members and the public through education and leadership in efforts to achieve an equitable, efficient, and workable tax system.

Letter to Governor Whitmer Regarding State Income Tax Deadlines

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, The Taxation Section wrote a formal letter to the Office of Governor Whitmer requesting the extension of due dates for filing state income tax returns and payment of state income taxes with respect to the 2019 and 2020 taxable years, as applicable. Read the full letter PDF

NOTICE: Tax Policy Guidelines—March 2021

More Information PDF

Welcome From the Taxation Section Chair

Dear Members of the Taxation Section:

            I am honored to serve as the Chairperson of the Tax Section of the State Bar of Michigan for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.  I will strive to continue the Section’s strong tradition of providing excellent educational programing and networking opportunities to its membership.  While we anticipate a continued return to in-person programing—for which I believe there is no substitute—the Section is regularly evaluating how to best leverage the virtual options developed during the COVID era to best serve our membership, particularly those Section members who may live or practice in outside of major metropolitan areas.

The Section will also remain committed to public service through facilitation of pro bono opportunities and
grant-making to other partner organizations which provide tax services to underserved communities.

            I would like to thank Mike Monaghan, our immediate past Chair, for his service and leadership of the Tax Section, as well as his advice and mentorship as I transitioned into this role.  I feel very fortunate to have followed Mike through the ranks of Council over the years.  His unwavering commitment to the Section and his efforts to reinvigorate and strengthen its activities as we emerged from the pandemic were truly inspiring.

            I would also like to thank my Vice Chair, Rebecca Pugliesi, who—in addition to being excellent in her appointed role—also served as acting Chair for the first few months of the year while I dealt with some medical issues.  She demonstrated that she is already capable of running the show, and the Section will be in great hands in the upcoming year.

            Each Council member is assigned certain responsibilities for the year.  A full roster of the Council members and their roles can be found under the “Council” tab above.  However, I wanted to particularly recognize our Committee Chairs, who organize the bulk of the Section’s programing for our membership:

  • Employee Benefits – Samantha Kopacz
  • Estate and Trusts – Buzz Leach
  • Federal Income Tax – Stephen Dunn
  • State and Local Tax – Seth O’Loughlin
  • Young Tax Lawyers – Sam Parks

            Please feel free to reach out to these Committee Chairs if you would like information on upcoming committee events, have an idea for an event, or simply would like to join a Committee or get more involved.  There are no pre-requisites for Committee involvement, no minimum time commitment, and the Committee Chairs welcome the participation of all members of the Tax Section.

            The Tax Section also publishes the Michigan Tax Lawyer, and we are always seeking tax-related articles and content for publication.  I would encourage you to consider writing an article for the Michigan Tax Lawyer, which provides invaluable experience and significant exposure both within Michigan and nationally.  Jennifer Watkins currently serves as the editor of the Michigan Tax Lawyer, and would be happy to discuss the opportunity to write an article with you.

            It is a privilege to serve the Tax Section and I look forward to a great year. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, for the Tax Section, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Brian Gallagher, Taxation Section Chair

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