Past Chairs Advisory Group

The Past Chairs Advisory Group is a standing committee appointed for a one-year term by the acting Taxation Section Chair.  The purpose of the Group is to provide, at the request of Tax Council, advice and support on Taxation Section matters. The duties of the Group include:

  • Promoting membership to and active involvement in the Taxation Section
  • Communicating with and providing advice and assistance to Tax Council on an as-needed basis
  • Making appropriate recommendations to Tax Council
  • Acting on assignments or requests made by the Tax Council
  • Attending and participating in the Annual Tax Conference, Annual Meeting/Past Chairs Dinner, and other Taxation Section functions


The Advisory Group may consist of up to six past Taxation Section chairs. Any past chair of the Taxation Section is eligible to serve, subject to appointment by the acting Taxation Section Chair. An Advisory Group member may be reappointed from year-to-year.

Past Chairs Advisory Group Chair

The Taxation Section Chair may appoint one member of the Advisory Group to act as Advisory Group Chair who is responsible for:

  1. Developing an agenda for the Advisory Group meetings, consistent with assignments and requests made by the Tax Council;

  2. Presenting the Advisory Group’s recommendations to the Tax Council; and

  3. Submitting recommendations to the incoming Taxation Chair with respect to Advisory Group membership.

Past Chairs Advisory Group

William C. Lentine 

Andrew W. MacLeod 

Michael Monaghan 

Brian Gallagher 