Amicus Curiae Committee
Mission: Review litigants’ applications and Courts’ requests for the Section to sponsor amicus curiae briefs in pending appeals cases relating to probate, and estate and trust planning, and oversee the work of legal counsel retained to prepare and file amicus briefs.
Andrew W. Mayoras, Chair
Ryan P. Bourjaily
Patricia Davis
Scott Kraemer
Angela Hentkowski
Scott Kraemer
Neal J. Marchand
Laura E. Morris
Kurt A. Olson
David L.J.M. Skidmore
Trevor J. Weston
Timothy White
Annual Meeting
Mission: Plan the Section’s Annual Meeting.
Katie Lynwood
Assisted Reproductive Technology Ad Hoc Committee
Mission: Review the 2008 Uniform Probate Code Amendment for possible incorporation into EPIC with emphasis on protecting the rights of children conceived through assisted reproduction, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Nancy H. Welber, Chair
Ernscie Augustin
Susan L. Chalgian
Nazneen Hasan
Laura Jeltema
Christina Lejowski
Nathan R. Piwowarski
Awards Committee
Mission: Periodically make recommendations regarding recipients of the Michael Irish Award, and consult with ICLE regarding periodic induction of members in the George A. Cooney Society.
James P. Spica, Chair
David L.J.M. Skidmore
Mark E. Kellogg
Budget Committee
Mission: Develop the Section’s annual budget.
Christine Savage, Chair
Richard C. Mills
Melisa M.W. Mysliwiec
Bylaws Committee
Mission: Review the Section’s Bylaws, to ensure compliance with State Bar requirements, to include best practices for State Bar Sections,and to assure conformity to current practices and procedures of the Section and the Council, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
David P. Lucas, Chair
Christopher A. Ballard
John Roy Castillo
Nancy H. Weber
Charitable & Exempt Organization Committee
Mission: Consider federal and State legislative developments and initiatives in the fields of charitable giving and exempt organizations,and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Rebecca Wrock, Chair
Celeste E. Arduino
Robin Ferriby
Brian Heckman
Richard C. Mills
John McFarland
Kate L. Ringler
Matt Wiebe
Citizens Outreach Committee
Mission: Provide opportunities for education of the public on matters relating to probate, and estate and trust planning.
Kathleen M. Goetsch, Chair
Ernscie Augustin
Kathleen Cieslik
David Lucas
Hon. Michael J. McClory
Neal Nusholtz
Committee on Special Projects
Mission: Consider matters relating to probate, and estate and trust planning, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Daniel S. Hilker, Chair
All members of the Section who attend a meeting of the Committee are considered members of the Committee and are entitled to vote on any matter brought before the Committee.
Court Rules, Forms, & Proceedings Committee
Mission: Consider matters relating to probate, and estate and trust planning, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Patricia E. Davis, Chair
Georgette E. David, Vice Chair
James F. (J.V.) Anderton
Ryan Buck
Susan L. Chalgian
Daniel S. Hilker
Hon. Michael L. Jaconette
Andrew W. Mayoras
Hon. Michael J. McClory
Dawn Santamarina
Marlaine C. Teahan
Electronic Communications Committee
Mission: Oversee all matters relating to electronic and virtual communication matters, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Susan L. Chalgian, Chair
Angela Hentkowski
Michael G. Lichterman
Christine Savage
Electronic Wills Ad Hoc Committee
Mission: Review proposals for electronic wills, including the Uniform Law Commission’s draft of a Uniform Law, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Kathleen Cieslik, Chair
Kimberly Browning
Georgette E. David
Sandra D. Glazier
Douglas A. Mielock
Neal Nusholtz
Christine M. Savage
James P. Spica
Ethics & Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee
Mission: Consider matters relating to ethics and the unauthorized practice of law with respect to probate, and estate and trust planning, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Alexander Mallory, Chair
William J. Ard
Raymond A. Harris
J. David Kerr
Neil J. Marchand
Robert M. Taylor
Amy Rombyer Tripp
Fiduciary Exception to the Attorney-Client Privilege Ad Hoc Committee
Mission: Consider whether there should be some exception to the rule that beneficiaries of an estate or trust are entitled to production of documents regarding the advice given by an attorney to the fiduciary, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Warren H. Krueger, III, Chair
Aaron A. Bartell
Ryan P. Bourjaily
Guardianship, Conservatorship, & End of Life Committee
Mission: Consider matters relating to Guardianships and Conservatorships, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Sandra Glazier, Chair
William J. Ard
Michael W. Bartnik
Kimberly Browning
Susan L. Chalgian
Kathleen A. Cieslik
Georgette E. David
Kathleen M. Goetsch
Elizabeth Sue Graziano
Raymond A. Harris
Hon. Michael L. Jaconette
Hon. Michael J. McClory
Hon. David M. Murkowski
Kurt A. Olson
Nathan R. Piwowarski
Katie Lynn Ringler
Hon. Avery Rose
Dawn Santamarina
David L.J.M. Skidmore
James B. Steward
Paul S. Vaidya
Karen S. Willard
Legislation Development & Drafting Committee
Mission: Consider matters with respect to statutes relating to probate, and estate and trust legislation, consider the provisions of introduced legislation and legislation anticipated to be introduced with respect to probate, and estate and trust planning, draft proposals for legislation relating to probate,and estate and trust planning, and make recommendations to the Council regarding such matters.
Robert P. Tiplady and Richard C. Mills, Co-chairs
Aaron Bartell
Howard H. Collens
Georgette E. David
Kathleen M. Goetsch
Daniel S. Hilker
Michael G. Lichterman
David P. Lucas
Katie Lynwood
Alex Mallory
Nathan Piwowarski
Nicholas Reister
Christine Savage
James P. Spica
David Sprague