

The Elder Law and Disability Rights Section of the State Bar of Michigan provides education, information analysis about issues of concern through meetings, seminars, this site, public service programs, and publication of a newsletter. Membership in the Section is open to all members of the State Bar of Michigan.


Executive Committee Chair: Raymond A. Harris, rharris@bllhlaw.com

Administrative Law Committee Chair: Erin Mortenson, erin@mortensonelderlaw.com

Amicus Curiae Committee Chair: Angela Hentkowski, ahentkowski@stewardsheridan.com

Disability Rights Committee Chair: Nadia Vann, vannn1@michigan.gov

Fall Conference Committee Chair: Susan Chalgian, schalgian@mielderlaw.com

Spring Conference Committee Chair: Harley Manela, hmanela@teclf.com

Membership and Education Committee Chair: Amanda Murray, amurray@bassettmurray.com

Legislative Committee Chair: Catherine Jacobs, cjacobs@wnj.com

Legislative Initiatives Committee Chair: Christopher W. Smith, smith@mielderlaw.com

Litigation Committee Chair: Angela Hentkowski, ahentkowski@stewardsheridan.com 

Newsletter Committee Chair: Christine Caswell, christine@caswellpllc.com

Public Interest Committee Chair: Nicole Shannon, nshannon@meji.org

UPL-Probate and Estate Planning Council Committee Chair: Angela Hentkowski, ahentkowski@stewardsheridan.com

Wayne County Probate Court Subcommittee Chair: Antonia Harbin-Lamb, aharbin@wcnls.org

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