Policy Regarding Consideration of Litigation and Amicus Curiae Matters
It is the policy of the Section that litigation or amicus curiae briefs shall only be initiated, participated in, or supported if the matter involves a significant impact in the areas of elders, those with disabilities, guardianships and conservatorships, or involving cases related to the practice of law in these areas. The Section may file litigation and amicus curiae briefs in cases pending in a probate or circuit court, but these filings will be very rare. The Section does file litigation meeting the criteria in the Court of Claims and Federal Court. The Section also files amicus curiae briefs in cases pending in the Michigan Court of Appeals, the Michigan Supreme Court, and federal court. Read the Full Policy PDF
Joint Application for Consideration of Amicus Brief and/or Litigation to the ELDRS and Request for Funding from NAELA Michigan Chapter Litigation and Regulatory Advocacy Funds
If you believe that you have a case that warrants involvement of the Elder Law and Disability Rights Section of the State Bar of Michigan, and/or funding from the NAELA Michigan Chapter Litigation and Regulatory Advocacy Fund, based upon the Section's Policy Regarding Consideration of Amicus/Litigation Case Matters, please complete this form and submit it to the Chair(s) of the Amicus/Litigation Case Committee, along with all relevant pleadings of the parties involved in the case, and all court orders and opinions rendered. If appropriate, the Chair of the Section’s Amicus/Litigation Case Committee, will forward this form and its attachments to the President of the Chapter for review. Once completed, the form may be submitted to Angela Hentkowski via ahentkowski@stewardsheridan.com. View the Application PDF
Michigan NAELA Litigation Fund Donation Form
Please note that contributions to the NAELA Foundation, a 501c(3) nonprofit organization, are deductible as charitable contributions under the Internal Revenue Code. View Online or as a PDF