2018 Scholarship Winners-Brittany Maybee and Meghan Webster
Congratulations to Brittany Maybee and Meghan Webster, our 2018 Paralegal/Legal Assistant Scholarship recipients. Each recipient received a $500 Scholarship. Brittany Maybee is a student of Baker College and Meghan Webseter is a student of Oakland Community College.
2017 Scholarship Winners—Allison Wilder and Gabrielle Griffes
Congratulations to Allison Wilder and Gabrielle Griffes, our 2017 Paralegal/Legal Assistant Scholarship recipients. Each recipient received a $500 Scholarship. Allison Wilder and Gabrielle Griffes are both students of Davenport University.
2016 Scholarship Winner—Ms. Melissa Donker
The Paralegal/Legal Assistant Section is proud to announce that this year's scholarship has been awarded to Ms. Melissa Donker. Ms. Donker received her award in Grand Rapids at the Annual Meeting on September 23, 2016.
2015 Scholarship Winner—Ms. Jennifer Rechsteiner
The Paralegal/Legal Assistant Section is proud to announce that this year's $500 scholarship has been awarded to Ms. Jennifer Rechsteiner, a student at Macomb County Community College. Ms. Rechsteiner received her award on October 9, 2015, at the Section’s annual Business Meeting in Novi.
2014 Scholarship Winner—Ms. Molly Engelsman
The Paralegal/Legal Assistant Section awarded a $500 Scholarship for 2014 to Ms. Molly Engelsman, a student at Grand Valley State University. Ms. Engelsman impressed the Committee with her work ethic, as well as her continued commitment to her community while actively pursuing her studies. Ms. Engelsman received her award at the Section’s annual Business Meeting on September 19, 2014, which was held in conjunction with the State Bar of Michigan’s Annual Meeting in Grand Rapids.