Cost: $195 for Section members; $295 for ICLE Basic & Premium Partners; $175 (per lawyer) for 4+ lawyers from the same firm; $125 for new lawyers (0-3 years in practice). Cosponsored with ICLE Stay on top of evolving issues in tax law—from changes on the national front to state and...
05-23-2019 | 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM ET Plymouth MI
Cost: $150 for Section members; $250 for ICLE Basic & Premium Partners; $125 (per lawyer) for 4+ lawyers from the same firm; $75 for new lawyers (0-3 years in practice). Cosponsored with ICLE Stay on top of evolving issues in tax law—from big changes on the national front to state...
05-24-2018 | 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM ET Plymouth MI
The Taxation Section has partnered with MICPA, State of Michigan Treasury Department, and the Michigan Women's Tax Association to present this conference. Headlines have been buzzing with the potential of national tax reform since the new administration took office. We connect the tax policy...
11-02-2017 | 07:00 AM - 06:00 PM ET Livonia MI
Cosponsored with ICLE Stay on top of evolving issues in tax law—from changes on the national front to state and local developments. Get complete coverage of tax reform and in-depth analysis from experts at the top of their fields. New this year: an optional ethics session (perfect for...
05-25-2017 | 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM ET Plymouth
Cosponsored with ICLE Stay on top of constantly evolving developments in tax law. Get complete coverage of changes on the national front, plus in-depth analysis of up-to-the-minute state and local tax developments. Attend for These Benefits: Take a fascinating look at federal tax...
05-19-2016 | 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM ET Plymouth MI
Presented by the Taxation Section in cooperation with the Institute of Continuing Legal Education . Prepare for and Handle the Most Recent Tax Developments Stay on top of constantly evolving developments in tax law. Get complete coverage of changes on the national front, plus in-depth...
05-21-2015 | 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM ET Plymouth MI