Section Matters
Cover Letter from the Chair Officers & Council Members Committees & Directorships
Did You Know? G. Ann Baker
Tax Matters Paul L.B. McKenney & Michael Mulcahy
Technology Corner Michael S. Khoury
Demand for Adequate Assurance of Performance Under the UCC, John R. Trentacosta & Steven R Fox
The Importance of Complying with the Uniform Commercial Code's "Notice" Requirement When a Supplier Provides Defective Goods, John J. Bursch
Installment Contracts Under UCC 2-612: A Suprisingly Wide Path Around the Perfect Tender Rule, Joseph A. Kuiper
Turning the Screws:Enhanced Rights Under the Michigan Special Tools Lien Act, Dennis W. Loughlin
M & A Multiples: A Key to Value or a Distraction?, Chas Chandler & Doug Marconnet
2002 LLC Act Amendments (PA 686)
Case Digests