
The Michigan Real Property Review is the official journal of the Real Property Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan. The Review is published quarterly and is a significant part of the Section’s program of publications, seminars, conferences, legislative liaison, and other undertakings for the professional education and development of its members and the Bar.

The Section encourages interested members of the Bar to contribute articles and other publishable material relating to real property law and of interest to the profession. Manuscripts are reviewed by attorneys experienced in the subject matter covered by each article.

Readers are invited to submit articles, comments. and correspondence to Lynda J. Oswald, Editor, University of Michigan Ross School of Business,
701 Tappan St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234 or ljoswald@umich.edu.

The publication of articles and the editing thereof are at the discretion of the Publications Committee. A cumulative index of articles is complied annually and is available on the Section website.

Articles in the Review may be cited by reference to the volume number, abbreviated title of the publication, the appropriate page number and the year of publication as, for example, 14 Mich Real Prop Rev 35 (1987).

Lynda J. Oswald, Editor in Chief of the Review, Ann Arbor

Publications Committee
Chair: Catharine B. LaMont
Chair-Elect: Lorri King

The views, opinions, and conclusions expressed in the Michigan Real Property Review are those of only the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or opinion of the State Bar of Michigan, the Real Property Law Section, the Michigan Real Property Review, its editor, or the Publications Committee of the Section. The publication in the Review of articles, letters, and other materials does not constitute and should not be construed to be an endorsement of any views, opinions, or conclusions that may be expressed or implied. The Review is prepared and published as a part of the legal education activities of the Real Property Law Section, for the benefit of its members and the Bar. In publishing the Review, the Real Property Law Section does not purport to engage in or to render legal or professional services. If legal advice or services are desired or appropriate, an attorney should be consulted.