Published in Michigan Environmental Law Journal, Summer 2019, Vol. 37, No. 1, Issue 106 [view full issue].
Cite: 37 Mich Env Law J 1 (2019)
Events of Interest to the Michigan Environmental Law Community
Environmental Law Section Annual Meeting
1:00–4:30 p.m., Sept. 18, 2019, State Bar of Michigan, Lansing
While the State Bar has discontinued the NEXT Conference, ELS will still be around this fall for your environmental needs. Join us for the annual Section meeting for some great programming and fellowship to follow at Lansing Brewing Company from 5:00–7:00 p.m.
SBM Annual Meeting
Sept. 25–27, 2019, Novi
The State Bar of Michigan will host its Annual Meeting at the Suburban Collection Showplace. The three-day meeting will include an inaugural and awards luncheon as well as a celebration of those practitioners who have been members of the bar for 50+ years.
Fall Joint Conference
November 14, 2019, Lansing
A cooperative effort of the Environmental Law Section and the East and West Michigan Chapters of the Air and Waste Management Association, the fall conference will be held at the Lansing Community College and will feature EGLE division chiefs.
ABA’s Section of Environment, Energy, & Resources Law Spring Conference
April 20–24, 2020, Chicago
Save the date and watch for registration. The ABA’s national environmental, energy, and resources law conference will be held here in the midwest this spring. Topics are sure to be relevant to the Great Lakes and Michigan practitioners.