The Appellate Practice Section of the State Bar of Michigan provides education, information and analysis about issues of concern through meetings, seminars, this site, public service programs, and publication of a newsletter. Membership in the Section is open to all members of the State Bar of Michigan.
Invitation to Join APS Council Committees
All Section members are invited to join Council committees. For examples, the Publications Committee issues several editions of the Appellate Practice Journal each year, the Rules and Legislation Committee addresses proposed court rule amendments and pending legislation, and the Good Deeds Committee sets up various volunteer opportunities, including the recent successful Focus: HOPE matching fund drive. All of our Committees have involved and committed members. So consider joining, or submitting an article to our Publications Committee. These are good ways of becoming more involved in the Section. Please contact Joseph Richotte at richotte@butzel.com. The Committees are:
- Rules and Legislation
- Publications
- Technology
- Federal Practice
- Good Deeds
- Economics of Appellate Practice
- Bench Bar
- Ad-Hoc Membership
Successful Focus: HOPE Fund Drive:
For the Holiday Season 2020, the Good Deeds Committee set up a matching funds donation program with Focus: HOPE, raising over $2,000 to address food insecurity and providing meals for vulnerable seniors. Thank you Good Deeds Committee members Ann Sherman, Joanne Geha Swanson, Marcelyn Stepanski, David Herskovic, and Lynn Sholander.